September 2009 : PREP Course and European Sojourn
Following my encouraging experiences at the residential part of the PREP Course at Madingley Hall, I flew to France with my books and assignments to continue work there and in Italy.
This was confirmed by my doctor who insisted I got an immediate MRI.
So I had to leave my baby with David, my mechanic: but still managed to enjoy a good Campagnard Salad
My mother waved her magic wand and ammazingly managed to arrange this and a specialist appointmentas soon as I arrived; and the specialist managed to get me intoa rather smart hospital only 3 days later !
My mother waved her magic wand and ammazingly managed to arrange this and a specialist appointmentas soon as I arrived; and the specialist managed to get me intoa rather smart hospital only 3 days later !
So I arrive in Italy on Thursday evening ... and only a week later I was being discharged from hospital ! I had been very concerned that I would not be able to cycle in Cambridge ... but am reassured all will be well.
I even had a room all to myself ... however, I was not fed for 24 hours ! Typical Italian regulations ... and after 24 hours, when I could eat a cow, I got a tiny bowl of risottto.
I had been promised a speedy recovery: indeed the hobbling did not interfere with my enjoument of the apero !
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